Bring planning to the street! Set up a consultation kiosk on a busy street corner or community event
Rather than asking for people to come to you, bring direct-engagement opportunities to the people! Set up a kiosk on the street, in a park, at an event, or in a popular cafe. Pop-up kiosks work well with a variety of our engagement tools, particularly asset mapping, road safety heat mapping, photo portraits, and surveys.
In our past projects, people have told us that they face barriers to engagement because consultation events happen at inconvenient locations and times. Pop-ups reduce this barrier and allow people to engage in quick, accessible, and fun opportunities to share their thoughts. Pop-ups are also great to increase project visibility in the neighbourhood.

- You can collect site-specific feedback with a pop-up. For example, if there is a particular intersection of concern (i.e., a busy school crossing), set it up there during peak times and get feedback about that particular site.
- If possible, offer free snacks!
- Try to have a few activity options, including some that are accessible for children.