Infrastructure Capital Planning, Linear Infrastructure Operations, Engineering Services, Transit Services, and Planning Services.
City of Greater Sudbury Complete Streets Policy
Safe, accessible streets for all
Providing “clarity and transparency in decision-making processes such that social, economic, health and environmental priorities of the community are considered and balanced in the design and operation of the entire road allowance” (City of Greater Sudbury, 2018, p.2).
Building on local momentum
A Complete Streets approach takes into account the needs of all people during the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of transportation networks including all public roadways and all projects and phases. It recognizes that safe, affordable, convenient and reliable transportation network for all users of all abilities is a shared responsibility throughout City departments. For more on what Complete Streets can look like, check out TCAT’s Complete Streets by Design and the Montreal Urban Ecology Centre’s Des Rues Inspirantes.
In June 2018, the City of Greater Sudbury became the first Canadian city to introduce a Complete Streets policy through a standalone resolution, which they felt would provide stronger direction in its implementation. They also integrated it into their Strategic Plan and Transportation Master Plan. The Complete Streets resolution built on growing momentum towards sustainable mobility, following substantial efforts to improve walking and cycling infrastructure.
Sudbury identifies their Complete Streets policy as a strategy to improve quality of life, community attractiveness, public health, equity, affordability and economy activity and opportunity. They emphasize aesthetics: Complete Streets will “reflect the context and character of the surrounding built and natural environment, enhance the appearance of these environments and should make all reasonable efforts to avoid and minimize negative impacts to those features to the maximum extent possible” (City of Greater Sudbury, 2018, p. 2).
Consultative process improves the policy’s long-term success
To develop the Complete Streets policy, staff undertook a variety of activities, including a background policy review, environmental scan of best practices, internal staff consultation, visioning workshop with the Sustainable Mobility Advisory Panel (SMAP), development of vision and draft policy, and a final policy review by internal staff and SMAP. A context-specific draft Complete Streets policy for the City was developed using data gathered during a background policy review and environmental scan of best practices. Input received during both the staff and SMAP workshops was used to form the basis of the policy’s vision. These activities allow for more successful policy development as it will have greater relevance to the needs of community members and identifies current opportunities and challenges.
Successes to date:
- Capital projects delivered in 2017 were considered from the perspective of all users, including pedestrians and cyclists, in anticipation of the policy.
- LaSalle Boulevard, Sudbury’s busiest commercial corridor, is undergoing a “Corridor Strategy” that will implement a Complete Streets approach.
- Design work is underway for a cycle track.
Looking good Sudbury!